Volunteer Spotlight: Jessi
I have three great excuses for introducing you to Jessi today: 1) She recently passed her skills assessment and is our newest Volunteer Babywearing Educator, 2) Our volunteer Board of Continue Reading →
We invite all caregivers to join in, share, learn, and Wear All The Babies!
I have three great excuses for introducing you to Jessi today: 1) She recently passed her skills assessment and is our newest Volunteer Babywearing Educator, 2) Our volunteer Board of Continue Reading →
BWI of STL Gateway is a thriving part of the babywearing community in St. Louis, and it takes a lot of volunteers to keep it running! Thankfully we have several Continue Reading →
Let’s be honest: the babywearing community can fall prey to being muddled in acronyms, unusual carry names, and brand names few people know *exactly* how to pronounce; I remember being Continue Reading →
Checkout trends in our carrier library showed we were a little overstashed in some wrap sizes, and we had many requests for more wrap conversion ring slings, so we sent Continue Reading →
Thanks to some successful fundraising and generous donations from members and local retailers, we’ve had a lot of new carriers added to the library lately. We try to highlight when Continue Reading →
Fact #1: We all know we should prioritize our health. Fact #2: Accomplishing Fact #1 in real life is HARD. There are a million and one reasons why, but we Continue Reading →
Wow, the Fall season has just flown by! It seems like all the fun of IBW 2016 was just weeks ago, when it was actually two months ago already, and Continue Reading →
We are so excited to be able to add this ring sling to our library, thanks to one of our partnering retailers, Milk & Carry. Wrap conversion ring slings are Continue Reading →
One quick scroll through our facebook group and you know we all love a quick babywearing selfie. But I personally *love* promoting getting a couple professional babywearing photos that you’ll keep Continue Reading →
If you’re nearer the beginning of your babywearing journey, there’s a chance you have at some point felt overwhelmed, outnumbered, defeated, and maybe even a little embarrassed. There are so Continue Reading →